

Cushing’s Disease

6 yr old Labrador Retriever
Satch a beautiful 6 year old Labrador Retriever that unfortunately developed Cushing’s disease accompanied by two adrenal tumors as well. Swipe through these 11 photos to see an incredible transformation back to health.
At the beginning of November he had surgery from his vet to remove one of the tumors as removing both would potentially develop Addison’s disease. Post surgery he developed hypercalcemia (a side effect that can happen) which created open wounds all over him, and to top it all off he ended up contracting MRSA, staph and an e coli infection on his skin.  He was put on several medications including topical sprays and creams and released. To say Satch has been through it would be an understatement.
After all of that, Satch’s parents took him to the incredible team at Ultimutt Pet Pawlour in Niles, OH to see if they could get his skin cleaned up as he began his recovery journey.  Lena and her team got started right away on Thera-Clean baths weekly for the next 7 weeks with a combination of showering and submersion in the microbubbles. In order to give skin problem’s the best chance to heal properly they must be cleaned first and that’s precisely what Thera-Clean baths do best…deep clean. Once Satch’s skin was properly cleaned the team used higher quality products to accompany his baths and get his skin back to clean and healthy.  We are so happy to report that Satch is back to his usual self with tons of energy and a new beautiful healthy coat. Bravo to both the team at Ultimutt Pet Pawlour as well as his parents that didn’t give up on him no matter what.
(***A reminder when dealing with MRSA/Staph/E. Coli and our technology you must make sure you have the correct PPE equipment including a proper mask, gloves, eye protection etc.***)
Ultimutt Pet Pawlour in Niles, OH