

Flea Dermatitis (parasites)

2 yr old Bully

Helios was sadly found tied up and abandoned in a shed with severe flea dermatitis along with a bacterial infection due to an overall dirty environment.  As you can see from his photos he had little to no hair when he was found and tons of open wounds and sores on him.  Sierra, owner/operator from Serenity Paws” in Chester, VA knew exactly what to do and got Helios in the microbubbles right away.  After just 5 Thera-Clean baths, we are so please to say Helios has mostly all his hair back, his wounds and sores are healed, and he is living his best life!   A huge thank you to Sierra for helping save Helios and getting him back to good clean healthy skin.


Serenity Paws in Chester, VA